Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

Facebook popup like box with timer with pure css codes really very good plugin to increase your Likes, Its help to increase your fans, Today we are sharing with you something about Blogging,  this is trick How to Add Facebook Popup Like Box with Timer in Blogger, You can add like box below post title also. If you notice, then you will find that blogging is a fashion in this generation and some countries man are so crazy for Blogging, For Example India, Pakistan, Indonesian are top in this free blog service,  Social sites are better place for get traffic,  Most social sites Facebook, Twitter Google plus is everywhere popular,  If you have right plunging in your blog you can get  more traffic,   There are many widget for social sites which can help your traffic, Than lets try this and increase your impression.

Pure CSS Facebook Like box Load Fast?

If you are new on blogging or dont know more about this then you can read many articles of world best developers and also you can get experience by using this, That on internet pure css take low time to load, Java scripts are taking more higher. more new developer making popup like box using java scripts and JQuarry. But its making more heavy and also affect you site speed, Means also biggest sign of bad seo. but Dont worry this is developed using pure css coding and also no more coding. Then use and give it a try.

What is best Facebook Popup Like Box

If you search on the net you will see many results for this means there are many Facebook pop-up like box, But you must use a pest like box, Which give you many more features, For my suggestion first need of like box that must be fast loading means that is given more time to load than its not so friendly, If  youre like box is not SEO friendly than its also not user friendly, So always use simple faster seo friendly FB Like Box

How Add Facebook Popup Like Box with Timer in Blogger Blogspot

Friends if you wanna fast loading and working result, then you can choose this because there are many codes for this, Using that you can add Add Facebook Popup Like Box with Timer in Blogger Blogspot, But mostly are full of  hard plunging, means they need many codes for install this, you cant install easily without more customization, But I am giving you a widget code using that you can do it with simple steps, Its best simple faster and also SEO friendly like a box for blogger, Just copy and paste in a widget.

Add Facebook Popup Like Box with Timer in Blogger Blogspot

How Add Facebook Popup Like Box with Timer in Blogger image

-   Go To Your www.blogger.com

-   Open Your Desire Blog.

 -  Go To "Layout".

-   Click "Add A Gadget" Where You Want To Add It.

 -   Now Scroll To "HTML-JAVASCRIPT"

 -   Click "+" Icon To Add It.

 -   Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It To Their.

 -   Leave The Title Empty.

 -   Click on  Save, Now You Are Done.

Copy Below Codes and Past in widget

Now watch Preview and Done.

Follow for Customize Like Box

  • Change Page name   Just Replace newfaceboooktipstricks with your Page Name.

  • Set your Timing Just Search Please Wait <span>10</span> and

  • Customize your Time 10 second to any Seconds.

  • You can also Re size Box Size,

YouTube Video Tutorial

Final Words

Fans This Widget is fully working in all blogger template, If you get any problem for complete this tutorial, We will reply your question with our best, For more and all Type Facebook Like button Keep visit our Blog, If like this article Please Comment below for say thanks, We will try to reply your answer as well as soon, If you think that maybe its also more useful for your friends than share with your friends also.

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