Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

So, I had my surgery this week . . . Monday.  By Wednesday I noticed that I had NO LOWER BACK PAIN!!!!  I cannot even REMEMBER the last time that I did not have lower back pain.  I have had some discomfort from the surgery . . . but so would you if you had 4 holes in your stomach.

Some days are really good, and I will say to my family "Wow . . . look how well I am moving around!"  Then the next day does not seem as good.  I also feel like a burden on my husband . . . not because he is complaining about taking care of me, but because I feel bad that he has to do SO MUCH for me . . . bringing me food, taking care of me, bringing me my medication . . . I want to do more, but also dont want to overdo anything and set back my recovery.

You would think that someone would love being told "sit on the couch, watch movies and take naps . . . dont worry about anything" but now that I am finally without back pain I want to DO SOMETHING . . . play in my craft room . . . go shopping . . . go watch my daughter at her lacrosse tryouts . . . socialize with friends and family.  I know that this is a good sign.  A sign that I am recovering and that the symptoms and side effects of Essure are already going away.

Thank you to everyone that has been thinking of me and sending me well wishes.  I truly appreciate this.  There has been some huge developments with the FDA and Essure in the past few days.  I have links to that information at the end of my post telling my full Essure story.


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