Senin, 18 April 2016


Usually many are full of excitement when starting a blog.  After reading the reasons to start a blog, above you might think it is time for you  to blog. No, you have to know the challenges that are at hand before getting started. Here we go:

1.       Blogging needs a lot of patience. It is important to know that you have to exercise patience. Most people want to blog for money. But after one to two years they are not seeing a dollar, others want to be famous but your post get 5 views or none per day. If you want to adventure with your career as a blogger, then you need to know that the key to blogging is ‘’patience’’.
People will not comment on your post as you think; people will not share your post as you might think, your post will not get thousands of views as you thought.  Finally the last thing you will have to exercise patience is SEO results

2.      One of the most challenging problem bloggers is getting traffic or growing traffic.
You can imagine how frustrating things might look like when you are not getting visitors for your post or comments on your blog post. That’s just a challenge. Remember I mentioned above that blogging is taking a challenge. Many people start blogging without taking into consideration things like website design, key words and focus on content. We might just find a free template somewhere and start up. It is very important to use an SEO optimized template or know if your template is optimized or not. If not then consider doing some work on it. 
Consider using social media and other SEO techniques to improve your traffic. Avoid black hat SEO techniques. Just work harder and you will get results.

3.      The feeling of     ‘’I can do it all alone’’ is what tend to kill most bloggers. Most newbies think they can provide all the blog content for their blog. Some don’t even want to interact with other bloggers. You main thing is to get up write you post and take a cup of coffee. Oh no! As a blogger you should engage with other bloggers. Remember even though you paid for the hosting and domain, the blog is not really ‘’your thing’’.  Interacting with other bloggers in the blogosphere will greatly improve your write ups and SEO. Guest posting is one the best free SEO technique. Consider writing to other blogs; accept quality articles about your niche from other bloggers, comment on blogs similar to yours, reply to questions you can answer. It is only by doing this that you will beat this killer factor and excel with your blogging career. Blogging alone is the fastest way to fail

4.      Once you start getting traffic on your blog readers will always be expecting more from you. As results, you feel you are not giving the best to readers in terms of quantity. This pressure to write continuously had been a source of encouragement to others while some bloggers don’t consider this even.  To avoid this pressure, you have to try to post averagely three articles per week.

5.      As a blogger, at one moment you might find yourself not focusing on providing content. You find yourself trying to sell products and signing up for various affiliates. Just make sure as a starter you don’t get yourself into this mess. You decided to blog because you can write, let your readers read from you. Your audience is the key and will give you the money just at the right time. It is very important to build traffic and a reputation first.

6.      When you start blogging, it is always exciting you put in more time and effort in updating your post and designing.  At one moment, you might just find yourself thinking that blogging is taking all your spare time.  Do you have something doing during your spare time?
You will discover that your spare time is being used for other stuff while your readers are eager waiting for new post from you.
If you are into blogging, then you need to create time to blog, you need to create time for research among others things to maintain quality. There is no such thing like lack of free time. You just want to quit.

7.      Choosing a niche is always a challenge to some people who want to start a blog. Once this is done another big challenge is getting the content for this niche. What are the topics you will write on, what about the next post or how many post you will be able to write? This always seems difficult. But handling this is very easy. We all need inspiration. Get a look at some blogs that write about your niche, read articles and e-books and who knows you might just find yourself back in the game ,saying ‘’I will lead the team’’ 

8.        I mentioned in the reasons to blog, that you should be confident. This is a very great point where bloggers use to fail. As a starter, you have to be flexible. Sometime you might just be providing low quality content, but because of your feeling of originality, you don’t feel something is wrong with it. Creating time to evaluate content is a very big challenge. Blogging is not all about providing content. It is about interaction, it is about keeping people with updated information, it is about writing.  Make sure you evaluate your blog post, add what should be added and remove what you think is irrelevant.

9.       Negative comments tend to send new bloggers packing. Hey, my friend this is not what you should do. People have freedom of opinions. The opinion of everyone counts even though it does not in all cases. Just be calm reply to every comment be it positive or negative. Even Jesus Christ was criticized so you cannot run away from them. Just use the negative comments as a tool to build and get on with the blogging race, you might just emerge the winner.

10.   What is your challenge as a blogger?    
also Read Reasons to blog here

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