Jumat, 22 April 2016

Increase Facebook Photo likes very useful for get more popularity with friends, So Every one trying to get free likes on Facebook photos status updates, If you wanna also increase Facebook photos likes free than just read this article, Getting more likes on any status update or funny showing real popularity of a people, But now people are using autolikers for get more likes, But they are not safe most people dont about this, So  you must try basic tips and tricks for gain Facebook photo likes.

On this social site people wanna many things,  Here we can find many new local friends and also other countries friends, Business promotions also many,  Now every social sites are getting biggest part of peoples daily time. So this platform we can say most affecting to any people life. Due to this people are tying to get more information and tips and tricks of this social site, which we are always shearing with you.

Dont Miss - How To Make Money Using Facebook Page with Tips

How to Increase Facebook Photo likes Free Image Photo

How to get Popularity on Facebook?

Popularity is biggest word for every one because everyone wanna more Popularity in their everyday which they like, So Facebook user also need this, Actually Facebook is most using social networking site, Here we can promote any thing, I means to say you that if you wanna promote your birthday or success, using this platform you can spread that, Facebook promotion will give you more if you impress your fans on your updates,

On this platform you will get Popularity by many things but if you are getting more likes and comments on your updates like status, image, photos or any events than its will showing, That you are very popular, So for better popularity you must get more photo likes.

How to Increase Facebook Photo likes Free Image Photo

Ge More Like By Sharing Unique Photo or image on Facebook

How Many People Use Facebook Worldwide is not fix because day by day its amount fastly increasing, So every one second sharing millions update by Facebook users, Most are sharing status and photo, and you know everyone trying to get more likes on their photo, So high amount of photo making bounce rate of ant update, So first you must decrease bounce rate by share something unique, let know about this.

Increase Likes by Reduce Bounce rate of Photo updates

If you thinking what is bounce rate of Facebook photo updates, Bounce rate means any friend or another Facebook user not focusing you photo updates, because your photo update not attracting any person, So for reduce you photo updates and get more likes on photo updates you must share something unique and also more attractive photo on you timeline and on page updates.

How to Increase Likes on Facebook Photos

By Unique photo - Unique thing is getting most impression every where in the world, You know that India is second biggest country of the world, here is many things but its also known for Tajmahal, So for attract more people on your photo, you must share something unique from others.

Funny Photos  -  funny thing giving laugh and fresh mind, So every one liking funny things, So better result of impression you must share Funny Pictures For Facebook For Increase likes, its one of best way and working all days of the year.

Latest Trends -  Always keep mind latest trends, You know most people are crazy to latest affairs, So you must know about latest news or viral things which more wanna know, If they will see about latest trends update, then they will give you impression and also their comments.

Fake Like  - Fake like is biggest headache for this social site, There are many Facebook autolikers now days you can see and also most are free, You can get high amount and also unlimited likes using Facebook auto liker, I wanna say you that if you will use auto liker then your access token of Facebook will take by owner, may be they mis-use your token, So its my suggestion dont use this.

Tag Different Friends - Photo tagging is best feature of Facebook for notice your update to your friends on their notification bar, So you must always share your photo with different friends, If you will tag same friends always than they can report your tag and may be you will block for some days to tag. Now you can Tag More Than 50 Friends on Facebook Photo so it will give you more opportunity for spread your picture.

Use Hash tag - Hash tag is really awesome feature of social sites, This social also providing you hash tag feature, If you will use hash tag in your photo description, Then it can boost your photo with more friends, It will help you to increase more impression.

Free tips for Increase more Likes on Facebook photo

For better understand you must always trying to get new ideas for post, share always something different from last day, Also trying to share random post status update, photo or image, videos, and use hash tag for spread you content with more Facebook users. Trying to get new tips and tricks of this social site from our blog and Increase Facebook Photo likes free.

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