Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

My Mtn service  is  which permits you to manage you accounnt online. The platform is free to use at the moment.This service permits you to get latest offers, manage your airtime, tariff plan and other things related to your mobile account.
To Get access to this service, follow this steps.
1. mobile phone
2. PC/ phone  with internet connection

==> Go to www.mymtn.cm
==>Click on Sign up(Displayed in blue at the middle right)
==>Enter your phone number starting with 6 and click on Next.
Do not use country code. when the number is entered correctly, you should see a notification message on your phone as follow
Kindly enter the following code 45x78 on My MTN portal
==>Enter the code and click next
==> Type in your password, name and email .
tick  the dialogue box and click on  create my account
Make sure your password is 8 characters at least, contain one upper case letter, one lower case letter and a number. for example . James237
Another confirmation message should be sent  to your phone, containing your username and password
That is it. You can have fun with your account when on a PC
     How do i Use this Account?
using MY MTN portal is very easy.
At the moment, your account has  6 tabs.
MTN Cameroon, My MTN Tabs

1. My MTN account tab
This tab is the home  page which shows the subscriber his/her current tarrif plan(No need for USSD CODES), Your account balance,puk number,and others.
2. My favorite numbers tab
This tab displays all you favorite numbers , You can add or remove favorite numbers fro your list.

 3. My Bundles Tab
This tab shows all bundles youve subscribed to such as , call, sms, internet and social media.

4. Gift a Bundle
The gift a bundle tab is the most exciting tab on this portal. After clicking on this tab, you can take care of your friends and love one right on your pc.
5. Airtime transfer(Me2U) tab
 On this, tab, you can send airtime to other MTN subscribers or change your Me2U code. Click on the drop down depending on your need.
This tab can be used to send airtime to friends, activate internet to friends and buy sms packages to friends and love ones.
6. Send a call back request (BipMe) TAB
used for sending call me back with a single click
   It is a great innovation. Subscribers  are looking forward to get the best from this plat form without this message 
Have you tried this innovation? if yes can you share your experience with us?

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