Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

How to Increase Facebook comments and Facebook likes on your wall post is most friends and Facebook user need, After share on How to Get More Comments on Facebook Photo, Status Updates and also best article on How To Get Free Facebook Likes Faster, today we are sharing about Likes and comments both. We recently shared a guide on how to get more comments on Facebook photos, status updates and also sharing on how to get more Facebook likes quickly and today we are going to talk about how you can get both more comments and likes etc. These days it is really necessary for the people to post the their favorite or anything or for bloggers blogging content on fb helps to attract more visitors and bloggers to your blog and helps in making your post go viral on social media.

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How to Increase likes on facebook image photo

How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook

For this you need to post on regular basis and it is also important for the users to encourage and forces people on  Facebook to start commenting on fb posts. Fb has some kind of algorithm to show your post to more people on fb if you are communicating or keeping engaged with others. Here are some proven and best methods that you can use in order to increase Facebook likes and comments on posts.  So let’s get started to this guide and start learning increasing fb thumbs up and increasing fb comments quickly.

Ask questions
It is one of the best and proven method that can help users to increase comments on your fb updates or posts easily. When you ask some kind of question related to trending topic as status update or fb post then most of the people will surely be going to respond to your question or the thing which you asked from them, this will also help other people communicate and keep engaged with you through commenting.

Visit For - How To Get Facebook likes Free Fast on Page and Status

How to Increase comments and likes on facebook image photo

Like other people comments and posts

Another good thing is to like comment by other people to get more reply and likes easily. By doing this it means you are reading their posts or keeping in touch with them and their comment worth’s something that’s why you liked. It is one of the best method which is used by most of Facebook page owners to increase likes for their Facebook pages.


Use visual to express For Increase Comments and Likes

You might have heard that a pictures says all thing or picture worth’s 1000 words. So sharing some kind of graphic or visual which is about trending or useful topic helps users to keep in touch with you through comments and Facebook thumb. Also if you are having page and sharing visual that are attractive it will not only help you in getting more thumb but also help in getting more fans for that particular page in short period of time.

Using Hash tag for maximum likes and comments

Facebook recently added a new feature of hash tag which helps users to find about which type of stuff is currently trending or shared by other people on the Facebook. Most of the users on fb love to find different stuff of similar hash tag used by thousands of other people. S it’s another good idea to take advantage of hash tag for maximum  impression on your fb  posts or fan page.
So this was all about how to increase on fb. If you have any queries regards this article, feel free to ask us.

Reply Your Update comments for Get more Likes and Comments

For make best relation with your fans, You must always trying to reply your fans question, also give them thanks which are giving some best ideas, So always make relation by comment reply and reply their massages,  So this was all about how to increase comments and thumb on Facebook. If you have any queries regards this article, feel free to ask in comments section.

Final Verdict about How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook

I hope you like and enjoyed this guide about How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook and found it useful for you. If you have any questions or suggestions regards this guide, feel free to ask in comments section. If you have any question or you know any new method, which can help to our fans in increase comments and likes on Facebook status updates and photo and videos updates, Then just comment below and help us.

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